Safeguarding framework

Safeguarding framework

The Football Association of Ireland is committed to ensuring that children, young persons and vulnerable persons can participate in all football activities in a safe environment.

Football provides an excellent opportunity to learn new skills, become more confident and maximise potential as members of teams and as individuals. Participation in football should be fun, enjoyable and provide a platform to learn and develop life skills, make new friends and enhance personal growth. The safety and welfare of all is paramount.

The Children First Act 2015 has provided a great statutory framework for all, supporting Children and Young People, ensuring the they are kept safe and their welfare maintained to a high standard whilst participating within the services we provide. Additionally, the Children First National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2017, is a great guidance when introducing measures to fulfil the statutory obligations of the Children First Act 2015.

The FAI acknowledges that all our members and volunteers are playing their part in providing an enjoyable and safe environment in which Children and Vulnerable Persons can play, learn and thrive within football. We thank the countless number of participants, many of whom are volunteers, for their commitment, hard work and dedication which has contributed in no small way to making football one of the biggest participation sports in Ireland today, with over 450,000 participants. The work of Members, Leagues and Clubs, particularly the Club/League Children’s Officers and the Designated Liaison Persons, is of crucial importance to implementing this Policy and their endeavours need to be acknowledged and supported at all levels within the game. Their efforts are deeply appreciated and the full adoption and application of this Policy by everyone in football will help ensure the promotion of happy, healthy and successful experiences.

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